Anna and her beloved “Tippy”- 2004
The final lesson of Mankind’s evolution may well be that animals are sacred and deserving of our protection.
— Anna C. Briggs, Founder of The National Humane Education Society
The James P. and Anna C. Briggs Animal Adoption Center and Sanctuary (BAAC) was incorporated in 1999, and the first phase of construction was completed in October 2000. The BAAC is named in honor of Mrs. Anna C. Briggs, founder of The National Humane Education Society (NHES), and her deceased husband, Mr. James P. Briggs, who, like Mrs. Briggs continues to do, dedicated his life to improving the plight of homeless animals in our Nation.
Given the above, the BAAC is an incarnation of Mr. and Mrs. Briggs’ guiding philosophy:
Companion animals are sentient creatures who have intrinsic value in and of themselves. Therefore, our stewardship includes sanctity for their individual lives, and we will not participate in the killing of one animal in order to ‘make room’ for another animal. But rather, we will remain committed to each animal that comes into our care until such time as an appropriate adoptive home can be found, because this is part of the humane solution to ending animal suffering.
The BAAC is a private nonprofit animal welfare organization with a central mission to place companion animals in loving homes with compassionate people who will make lifelong commitments to them by accepting them as a member of their family. It relies solely on charitable contributions to achieve its mission and does not receive any financial assistance from local, state, or federal governments. The BAAC operates under the auspices of The NHES from which it receives a portion of the financial resources necessary to carry out its animal care program services:
The BAAC provides one of the highest standards of veterinary care available to its dogs and cats. This veterinary care is provided to all animals before adoption which would normally cost a minimum of $400 per animal if done after adoption at a veterinary clinic. To see the services we provide to animals at the BAAC please click here or go to BAAC Animal Care under Animal Care.