Volunteer Request Form - Briggs Animal Adoption Center
The Briggs Animal Adoption Center and the animals here are always in need of dedicated volunteers. If you are interested in finding out more about our volunteer program, just complete and submit the form below.
To qualify, we ask that you:
Be 18 years or older
Submit a Volunteer Application and Agreement
Attend a Volunteer Orientation
Agree to work a minimum of eight hours each month
Sit with dogs and cats at Briggs, petting them, brushing them and simply speaking to them with kindness and compassion
Walk dogs on our Rehabilitative Dog Walking path
Assist staff at off-site dog and cat adoption outings
Help at on-and off-site events held throughout the year by assisting with food prep, set up, clean up and take down, selling 50/50 tickets, and more
Have love and compassion in your heart for animals
Following receipt of your request form submission, someone from our BAAC office will be getting back in touch with you in the near future.