Name : Rose
Breed : Domestic Short-Hair
DOB : 11/30/2023
Gender : Female
Weight : 3 lbs
Ever seen a cuter Rose?
Neither have we!
Rose and her sister Sweetheart are two of four Valentine’s siblings.
These adventurous sisters don’t let their tiny size hold them back.
They love to climb the tallest cat trees and pounce on every toy you toss.
You may even see them doing cat tumbles together if the WWFF (World Wrestling Federation for Felines) mood strikes.
They just love to make the most out of every moment together.
These adorable sisters might enjoy having a feline friend in the home to show them the ropes.
Of course they wouldn’t be opposed to being adopted together too.
So, pick this Rose and watch her grow with you!
To see additional photos of me head on over to my Petfinder page by clicking here.