Name : Robin
Breed : Domestic Short-Hair
DOB : 10/01/2022
Gender : male
Weight : 5.7 lbs
I’m Robin.
Yep, that’s me, The Boy Wonder!
Me and my brother Batman are two caped kitty crusaders who take after our Mother Ivy.
We love to play, explore, get lots of scratches and protect humanity from imaginary villains.
Batman and I practice our skilled attacks on toys that roll by just to keep sharp.
The dark night is no match for our kitty zoomies!
And, when our make believe battles are over we head back to the cat cave for power naps.
We would love to stay together or at least have another compatible kitty in the home as a playmate.
Ready to be a superhero too? Fill out an application for one or both of us today!
To see additional photos of me head on over to my Petfinder page by clicking here.
Just be sure to come back to my BAAC page to fill out an adoption application or information request.