Name : Zeppelin
Breed : Domestic Short-Hair
DOB : 02/23/2024
Gender : Male
Weight : 3.12 lbs
I’m a whole lotta love.
And, a bit of Tasmanian Devil when the mood strikes.
Hey, what can I say? I get the kitty zoomies sometimes!
I love hanging with my brother Fugee, playing hard and napping harder.
We wouldn’t mind staying together if you have the room in your heart and home.
They say two kittens are better than one after all.
We can keep each other busy in between the cuddle time with you.
Come in and see us! Chances are you won’t be going home alone.
To see additional photos of me head on over to my Petfinder page by clicking here.
*Adopting a pair of kittens is often better than adopting just one! They often feel more confident and have less anxiety with another furry friend they know in their new home. Plus having a constant companion and playmate means they require a little less of that full time attention too! Ask an adoption counselor about adopting a pair of kittens today!