Name : Dak
Breed : Schnauzer Mix
DOB : 12/14/2023
Gender : Male
Weight : 15.1 lbs
I’m a whole lot of love in a small package.
Just give me a chance to get to know you and you’ll see!
I came here with my housemates Frank, Gimma and Bella.
Unfortunately for us, we had a pretty rough start in life in a hoarding home.
Now, we are looking to live the easy life!
We like taking things a little slow with new people.
And, we hope you will let us do that in our new home.
Playing with our canine friends is one of our favorite things to do. (we gain confidence in the company of compatible dogs)
And, you humans tend to be all smiles watching us come out of our shells for zoomies!
When we get comfortable with you our favorite place to be is on your lap or snoozing nearby on a comfy bed.
We can’t wait to see how your love and care will change our lives forever.
Just, be patient as you build a bond that lasts a lifetime and we bet yours will be changed forever too!